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  • How to choose the various dimensions of the road signs ?

    Road signs are silent guardians on our streets, keeping traffic flowing smoothly and most importantly, safely. But have you ever wondered why some signs seem bigger than others? It all boils down to visibility!

    So, here’s why choosing the right size for a road sign is crucial:

    • Enhanced Visibility Means Enhanced Safety: The size of a regulatory sign directly impacts how well drivers can see it. Larger signs are easier to spot, giving drivers ample time to react and follow the instructions. This translates to fewer accidents and a safer driving experience for everyone.
    • Regulations Guide the Way: Picking the perfect size isn’t a free-for-all. Traffic regulations, outlined in the highway code, dictate the size of a sign based on its location. This ensures consistency and clarity across the roadways.

    Remember, the right size for a road sign isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about prioritizing the safety of all road users. Basically, next time you see a sign, take a moment to appreciate its silent role in keeping you safe!

    Besides, the article 5.3 of the decree of June 7, 1977 stipulates that the size of a regulatory sign is determined according to its location of installation.

    Meanwhile, the size of a road traffic sign is important. Indeed, a sign must be large enough to be visible to everyone. However, its size must be appropriate for the urban environment.

    The dimensions of traffic signs vary depending on the following elements :

    • The location of installation
    • The function
    • And the shape

    Here is a table summarizing the various dimensions of traffic signs :


    Extra small

    Basically, this dimension is used exceptionally when the installation location is not suitable. It can be installed in tunnels or in urban areas for cyclists.


    When space is at a premium, smaller signs are the answer. This is often the case on sidewalks, narrow mountain roads, and areas with trees lining the roadside.


    So, most of the time, “normal” range signs are found both within and outside urban areas (except on highways).


    Highways and dual carriageways utilize large range signs to maximize visibility for drivers.

    Very Large

    So, Highways get a dedicated sign size to clearly mark auxiliary areas.

    For more information, please contact our sales representatives via our contact form.

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